Saturday, June 9, 2012

6/9 The "Project" / Evaluation using SMART goal

B:  Below is the description of the “Project:”
Gantt chart is a tool used in planning and scheduling projects. At this point we don’t have one establish yet about who is going to do what, but we have started with the plan and with a given date to execute the project which is 8/24.  The project is an orientation for CALMAT. As explained in the following this project will be a group project that is for everyone in the class to work on. We are all project managers at this time. Using the SMART goal, as a group we should know the specifics of the project, at this point it is not clear; measurable, yes we have some means to be able to know if the goal is obtainable; agreed upon, yes to this one; I believe we have all the resources, knowledge, and time available as far as being realistic; and time-framed, we have an end schedule, 8/24.

C:  On 6/2 during the face to face Project Management class, we decided to do a 3–hour orientation project for CALMAT. This project will be a group project for everyone consisting of 7 or 8 students. The project orientation will include some ideas as discussed:
  1. ulearn system;
  2. find a good restaurant for Saturday night;
  3. Skype connection;
  4. public transportation;
  5. free job fair, conference, gathering, location resources-conference; and
  6. others.
Using the concept of SMART as discussed on 6/2; who is involved, have the teams worked together before; coordination, be specific what the goals of the project; completion, how is it going, are we attaining the goals set; and management, be realistic, are we on track, both willing and able to work with the goals set. Based on Chapter 2, this orientation project is going to fall into a project not ongoing operation because it is a one-time project for this Project Management class. The project has a beginning, an end, and it is unique. There are challenges though such as personnel needs, estimating in costs (money), schedules (time), authority, and controls to show the budgets (feature). If it goes successful, I believe it can be ongoing operation after 8/24. Again, setting goals by using the Specific-Measureable-Attainable-Realistic-Timely goals can avoid this project to fail because our goal is clear, we have management/leader skills, our time is well managed, we have resources, we are motivated, and we have the skills.

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