Sunday, August 26, 2012

8/26 Final Blog

Taking on projects is not an easy task to do because it involves many different details related to the task. Some of the tasks I helped with the orientation were to design the agenda, create the name tags as wells as the feedback form. I was also in the panel discussion during the event where there were five (5) questions prepared for us to answer. The questions were as follows:
  1. What do you find unique about CALMAT?
  2. What are classes like?
  3. How has CALMAT benefited your career and life so far?
  4. How will you use your CALMAT education for the future?
  5. Best tips you have for the orientation students?
The following were my answers:
  1. The faculty, students are unique because they are helpful to make you successful. For example, when we don’t meet in class we have homework to do such as meet on Skype to work on the projects with the group. There’s an invite that gets send to everyone in the group and we discuss the upcoming assignments.
  2. The classes are not hard if you do your homework. Doing your homework is when you come prepared when coming to class and participate in the discussion and work with the cohorts.
  3. It help me better deal with my time management when taking on new projects at work and my personal life. I applied almost all the things I’ve learned from CALMAT.
  4. I will use my CALMAT education to help people by taking the initiative.
  5. Best tips:
a.      You learn by doing as one of the CALMAT ways that Eric had on his slide.
b.      Be responsible. For example, when you have a meeting on Skype with the group, being responsible is being on time and participate with the discussion.
I thought the orientation was successful in planning and implementation and execution of all the tasks. If there were some areas that were not successful, I was not aware of them.
I met with Eddie Lin who presented his capstone; James Hsi, Jasopen, Deanna, and other familiar students who attended the orientation. James and Jasopen were the two alumnis who participated the panel discussion.

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