Sunday, July 22, 2012

7/22 Chapter 7 Ideas

Chapter 7:  Realistic Scheduling

Includes:  (1) a detailed knowledge of the work to be done; (2) task sequences in the correct order; (3) accounts for external constraints beyond the control of the team; and (4) with given the availability of skilled people and enough resources/equipment, the project can be accomplished on time. This chapter focuses on planning steps that rely on the one that come first and then add a new component to the plan.

(1)  Planning overview;
(2)  Identify task relationships;
(3)  Estimate work packages;
(4)  Calculate an initial schedule; and
(5)  Assign and level resources

(1) In planning, two actions included are:  (a) create the project definition, identifies the purpose, scope and deliverables for the project and defines the responsibilities of the project team. (2) Identifying the task relationships is the sequence in which detailed tasks—the work packages—are performed. It is based on by the relationship between the tasks. For example those tasks compose of the work package that consists of: acquiring the law materials, removing debris, preparing soil, planting lawn seed, and planting shrubs. (3) Estimating work packages is necessary to build a cost and schedule estimate for each work package called bottom-up estimating. It is essential to record it in a systematic manner. This include: labor estimates, equipment estimates, materials estimates, and fixed-price bids. (4) Calculating an initial schedule is one of the most common but difficult of all project management techniques because it can be tedious and time consuming. Project management software is helpful to tackle this project from start to finish. (5) Assigning and leveling resources is to minimize the use of people and resources/equipment for the project; to avoid repeatedly adding and removing resources time and again during the project.

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